Purdue Extension Yoga Storytime Grades 3-5
One and all are invited to come move through a story with Chelsea from Yes Power Yoga. “Yoga Storytime” focuses on bringing social-emotional learning to the level of children by incorporating movement into a fable or moral taught through story form. Although all are invited, the movements will be tailored to this age group. Sign up is recommended starting on June 27 but walk-ins are welcome.
Date: July 11
Time: 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Cost: Free
Jasper Branch Library
100 3rd Ave.
Jasper, IN 47546 United States
Phone: 812-482-2712
Christine Howard
Email: choward@jdcpl.us
Source: https://jdcpl.us/event/purdue-extension-yoga-storytime-grades-3-5/